Endure Women's Ministries Blog

The Beginning

Women of God,
Wow!!! I can’t believe that I’m here; God is so good and faithful. This has been a long, hard, emotional, enlightening, exciting, spiritual journey, for me. I can say it’s been worth it all, this is just a portion of my story as to how God has brought me. To the place to start this ministry for other women that are called to be: Pastor’s, Preachers, Teachers, and Evangelist and 1st. ladies.
Women of God, have you ever felt like you were in this Christian walk alone? Even when others were with you in the journey you still felt alone? Have you ever felt like Lord I feel lonely and I really need someone to talk to? (Without hesitation) Lord I need someone that understands my walk, my struggles, my fears, my tears, my uneasiness, my hesitation, my push, my drive, my passion? At the same time I grave for more of your word, more of your guidance, just simply more of you?
Well if you can relate to this, if this sound likes you, I really want you to take some time and ask yourself ONE more question, How do we begin to foster our relationships with each other as sisters? The bible speaks about iron sharpening iron. As sister we can learn to sharpen, support, encourage, respect, and uplift each other. Yes we are our sister’s keeper!
I realize through the word of God, through the challenge of living a Christian life, and through interacting with people, that my strength is not enough. I need, we need strong women around us, to keep us “sharp” because “Iron sharpeneth iron”. (Iron sharpened iron; so a man sharpened the countenance of his friend, Proverbs 27:17).


– Joan Austin
‘There’s A Blessing in the Pressing’

My Prayer
Father God, help me today to be the kind of woman who can challenge other Christian women to be the very best that you have designed for them to be. Father, thank you for the Godly women you have given me as examples. As I represent and present E.N.D.U.R.E. Women’s Ministries, let me be a sharpening tool for other women as I look to be sharpened by them as well. In the name of JESUS, I pray. Amen!

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