Endure Women's Ministries Blog

Digging Deeper, My Sisters

God has truly been faithful and has planted His favor on Endure Woman’s Ministries. We are very excited to announce that EWM started a virtual bible study class every 2nd Monday of the month. The classes are 1 hour long and commence at 7:00 pm. The lesson book is entitled “Healing from Within.”.

It is a deeply spiritual experience, and we dive into the scriptures and the lesson in depth. Each session is conducted in private, and the conversation is not repeated outside of the time for our bile study. During that time, we want each participant to be able to talk and share.

Here are some highlights from the lessons we have discussed so far: Nov. 8TH – A Broken World Dec. 13th – Adopted by God Jan. 10th – Free Indeed March 14th – Under His Wings.

The awesome thing about Bible Study is that you can read scripture and answer the questions by adding your own words to the blanks. The lessons are meant to encourage personalization of answers and discipleship with God.

Taking part in the Bible study has brought us closer together amid the pandemic as sisters in Christ. What I’m encouraged about is we have been able to meet via Zoom and will be able to also meet in person starting soon. It is really encouraging to see our sister’s thirst for God’s word and truly be growing in it.

Studying our lessons consists of the lesson title, the scripture, an introduction, questions, and fill-in-the-blank options which help you better grasp the lesson as well as make life applications that are relevant.

This section is titled Digging Deeper. It will go a little deeper into the reader’s relationship with God, assisting them with discovering how to draw closer to God even amid their brokenness.

The next section, Ponder and Pray, moves the reader toward praise, prayer, and thanksgiving to express their appreciation for God.

Finally, we arrive at Trinkets to Treasure- this section includes questions from the lesson as well as an exercise you need to complete and record daily.

We’d want to conclude our Bible study with some notes and a prayer request, as is customary. It’s wonderful that our sisters can leave knowing that whatever is spoken, prayed over, or laid at the alter is done in confidence and only shared with the bible study class.

We’re thrilled to be able to make our recorded Bible Study classes available for a limited time after our class has ended.

This is for our members who may be unable to attend the session due to a conflict with their schedule or who wish to return to the topic and delve a little deeper.

God is truly faithful, and EWM is grateful and privileged to be able to provide Bible Study classes on the second Monday of every month.

We are really excited to study, learn, and develop in God’s word with you, my sisters in Christ.

Rev. Joan Austin

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